Cat harnes
#myfurrish i dont know about you all but i have 3 cats that try to control me.So im always looking for ways to keep them in line or as it really goes i try to do things that will keep them inline. but mostly they just yell at me to feed them and change their littler boxes. so i feel that if i want to try new things for them. I feel as if they should do as i say and model things for me. but as you can see sarge really loves the harness. no really he has a process. He attacked it and he attacked me but those are love bites (right even if it does draw blood). Plus he is used to being my guinea pig when ever I need to put something on the cats. I have 3. callie is just mean and its dangerous to do anything with her without welding gloves. Kitty kat is nice so i tried to use her as a model, but shes really only pretending to be nice hes just sneaks a bite now and then plus claws me to pieces. plus i kerp telling her we rescued her but she just does her own thing. then there is sa...